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The Stanley Grundy Foundation.

The Stanley Grundy Foundation “SGF” was founded in 1964 by the late Stanley Grundy CBE to support charities and voluntary bodies in a wide area of interests from Back Pain to Chess Education.

SGF in its present form was incorporated as a charity in 2004 and continues the work of more than 60 years with an emphasis on charities operating in (or from) the UK that especially embrace areas of Research, Innovation or Young People.

SGF makes about twenty five donations annually of between £2,000 and £5,000 each. These donations are generally targeted sums geared to specific projects or initiatives - rather than supporting general expenditure.

As a consequence SGF welcomes appeals from smaller specialised charities where these relatively small sums can make a real difference.

The many areas that SGF have supported in the past five years have included:

Charities wishing to apply for a SGF grant are asked to do so briefly by email at: admin@grundyfoundation.uk.

Please note that SGF generally does not support religious, military or location-specific charities.